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Chicago Area Unitarian Universalist Council
Fostering collaboration and communications across UU congregations
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Conference Announcement Spring 2024
Annual Meeting 2024
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Venue Rating (Zoom conference) 1=very good, 2=satisfactory, 3=unsatisfactory, 4=unacceptable
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What was the best part of the conference for you and why?
Please let us know how you will use what you learned from the conference AND what you will put into action:
What should we have done differently or better?
Please let us know how you are willing to support the work of CAUUC
I am interested to serve as a CAUUC representative to my UU congregation or community
I am interested to be part of a steering committee focused on young adult group programming by CAUUC
I am willing to gather and share news and events from my UU community or congregation for publication and promotion by CAUUC
I am willing to be a Zoom conference co-host to assist with future online conferences
I am willing to volunteer in some other way (Let us know in the comments section below)
I would like to make a financial donation
How did you hear about the conference? (check all that apply)
Announcement email from CAUUC
Congregational newsletter email
CAUUC’s Facebook page
Contacted by a CAUUC rep
Referred by a Minister or Religious Educator
Referred by a friend
Other (tell us how in the comments section below)
How could we do better to communicate about workshops or other area news?
Any other comments you'd like to share?